Special Education » Special Education/Begwaanmenjigejig Kinomaagziwin

Special Education/Begwaanmenjigejig Kinomaagziwin

The Wiikwemkoong Board of Education believes that all students have the potential to learn and that all students should progress to the best of their ability.  We support their progress by offering the following services in our schools:
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech and Language Assessment
  • Psychoeducational Assessments
  • Behaviour Intervention
Each school works collaboratively with Care Coordinators from Aasgaabwitwindwaa Binoojiinhik Wiin ni Gshkiwewziwaat (ABWnG) to offer the above-noted services year-round.
Parents and guardians of students with exceptionalities are encouraged to maintain open communication with their student's teachers, the SERT assigned to work with their child, and Mr. Fox, the Principal. ([email protected]

The Special Education Department at the High School consists of two Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs) and a team of Education Assistants (EAs).